Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. I've never done this before so this should be an experience. First, I'm going use this as an opportunity to delve into the themes in my book, The Traveler's Companion, which include the nature of love, alternate dimensions, and whether or not creativity makes us divine. I would be remiss if I didn't also enlist this resource as a foot soldier in the ebook revolution, so I will be discussing my time in the trenches, and you'll be able to track the process. My book is available on Smashwords and on Kindle and so far it's only cost me time and energy. It took me a few hours at most to understand all that was involved and I should thank Smashwords and Kindle for their easy to use platforms, tools, and tutorials. I was also lucky to have family and friends to act as beta readers and copy editors, and I'm also lucky to have a professional copy editor as a girlfriend, whose Strange Land Editing business started at the same time as my ebook career.  I couldn't have done it without her. And if there are any grammatical errors in the book, I can just blame her, which is nice. My book has been available for about a week now and not much has happened. Over the coming months I'll keep you apprised.

Is it all hype, or can a guy make living doing this? We'll see. 
I hope you enjoy it and I hope to hear back from you.

C.J. Chater

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